How to love who you are
‘Love not what you are, but what you may become.’ Miguel de Cervantes
I have a simple question for you – ‘What would you do with this life that has been placed within your hands – your life?’

It’s a pretty powerful question to be posed to any human being.
But the facts are that each of us have been handed a lifetime and each of us have a choice.
We can simply ‘be’ – or we can ‘become’.
So I’m going to pose you yet another two questions to consider – are you happy to be, or would you be happier to become?
I trust it will get your ‘thinking juices’ working over time as you consider your future here on planet earth.
Are You Happy To Be?
Shakespeare posed the question, ‘To be or not to be. That is the question.’
But I would add another.
‘To become or not to become. That’s the really important question.’
Anyway, we’ll get back to that in a minute. Firstly let’s take a look at the word ‘be’.
To ‘be’ is to remain unchanged.
- Are you satisfied to make no changes to your life?
- Are you happy to follow the status quo?
- Are you content to live at the standard of living you are currently residing at?
- Are you happy with your current financial status?
- Are you willing to continue with your current set of habits?
- Are you going to maintain your current level of relationships?
- Are you going to stay with your current educational level?
Or Would You Be Happier To Become?
If you have no desire to change stop reading.
Because I’m about to challenge you to start loving ‘what you may become’.
I am actually going to confront ‘what you are’ and shake up your satisfaction with your present state.
This is not to say that where you are is bad. It just means that while ever you and I have more years left to live, we still have incredibly untapped resources and potential that can be unleashed on the world around us to make it a far better place for all of us to reside.
I challenge you to grow into ‘what you may become’ by:
- Identifying your strengths.
- Pinpointing your passion.
- Developing your strengths through the habits of constancy, drill and practice.
- Daring to dream humungous dreams.
- Making a list of the mentors you would like to meet, and book your first mentor appointment.
- Challenging your bad habits and replacing them with good habits.
- Writing a list of 102 goals for your life and once and for all taking massive action on achieving goal number 1.
- Pursuing your passion.
- Unveiling your uniqueness, and being proud of it.
- Reaching out to others to help them in the pursuit of their dreams.
- Living your life to the sound of ‘do it now’ and ‘action cures fear’.
- Choosing to swim upstream or going against the ‘conventional’ flow.
- Making yourself accountable to someone who will keep you grounded when you succeed and stand with you when you fail.
I look forward to seeing you on the other side of ‘be’ which is ‘become’.
And here’s just one more question: ‘what have you done, or can you do, to transport yourself from ‘be’ to ‘become’?
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