Month: February 2023

If you found yourself stuck, stagnant or wallowing in mediocrity, must overcometh the world As I hear the stories of others, and consider my own story and my own journey, I have realized that the periods where I found myself stuck, stagnant or wallowing in mediocrity have been a result of my willingness to stay…

Believe that you can and you will, you are worthy of great success Some years ago, my family were the recipients of a special award that was specially created and handed to us by one of our close friends. One of the facets of the award was ‘for believing’. We had just pushed through two…

Be The Fire Of Inspire There is a flame that is lit within my heart every time that I consult with a great mind. It is often sparked by a book, a conversation, a speech, a movie, a song, a scene or even a sign. And if I am ever ready to be lit up…