Category: personal-development

The very act of creation might be defined as inventing something new, making something from nothing. Mining the daily realities of our lives for creative opportunities, we teach our children to do the same. We can find fun in unlikely places as we approach seemingly humdrum activities with joy and imagination. Dealing with boredom and…

Self-Improvement: Myth or Reality? Unveiling the Truth Behind Personal Growth A few weekends ago, my wife, Rachelle, and I had one of ‘those’ conversations… Anyone who has been married for a while automatically appreciates the perennial sex-money-parenting challenges inherent in marriage. Rachelle and I do a pretty good job of communicating on these issues. Still,…

How can I go far beyond my thinking capability? ‘Aim beyond what you are capable of.’ Paul Arden Each of us has been endowed with gifts and talents peculiar to any other person, and you and I don’t have a clue of what we are capable of until we try. Someone once challenged me to…