Month: February 2024

Be More Productive When You Sleep & Wake Up In recent years, we’ve been hearing much about the (negative) effects of sleep deprivation. Well-known and successful people are picking up the baton from sleep researchers, trying to get it through to us that sleep does matter. If however, you are still getting by on a…

Simple Wisdom For Life’s Hard Question About Pain Lori Deschene – the founder of Tiny Buddha has just released her book that touches on the subjects of pain, meaning, change, fate, happiness, love, money, possibilities, and control plus a whole lot more. I have simply drawn some of her wisdom from her chapter on pain.…

Say Goodbye to Regret “I recently overheard someone say, ‘that failure is never so frightening as regret’. I could suffer failing time and time again. I could bear the thought of attempting a thousand times and not quite making it. I could also endure coming short a million times a million. But one thing that…