Category: leadership

Why is it that some organizations attract leaders and keep them for the long run, while other organizations attract leaders, and yet discard them in quick and regular succession? For the power of any organization is found within the leaders that are developed and nurtured in an atmosphere of love, respect and the freedom to…

The 100 Top Qualities of a Winner There are probably more than 100 traits that are exemplified by the life of the winner – but 100 is a good starting point. I challenge you to measure your life against this list to do just that – not to condemn you in any way, but rather…

The 10 commandments of effective communication What you say and what I hear are sometimes poles apart. This happens even amongst the closest of friends. That’s why, when it comes to having a working relationship with another human being, it is so important to put in writing your agreement so that both parties understand clearly…