Category: Happiness

The Secret to Living a Happy, Fulfilling Life The one thing I like predominantly about hanging around winners is that they force me to continue to seek ways to improve. I remember reading about Sam Walton – the founder of the mighty WalMart chain. He would make it his habit to regularly visit his competition,…

Giving thanks can make you happier When it comes to being grateful, I am grateful for many things. Rather than preaching at you, to tell you what you should be grateful for, I am going to take the time to share just a few of the reasons I am grateful. My hope is that they…

The Day The Earth Moved: A love letter to my children I could feel the earth move under my bare feet. There was nowhere to run, and nowhere to hide as I watched our granny flat begin to shake violently from side to side. The sound like a thunderclap accompanied the first warning that an…