
Living Your Best Life, How To Live Your Life To The Fullest There is one particular aspect of the American way of life that I really enjoy, and that is the fact that it is expected, by those who serve you, that you not only pay them for their service, but that you always add…

The Pursuit of an Optimized Life – How to Live an Optimistic Life The one thing I like predominantly about hanging around winners is that they force me to continue to seek ways to improve. I remember reading about Sam Walton – the founder of the mighty WalMart chain. He would make it his habit…

I am limitless, my potential for change is limitless I love the word ‘limitless’. It simply means ‘without limits’. The greatest advantage of having a creative spirit is that life is only as limited as your imagination. But if you take time to imagine on a regular basis, your future and the possibilities therein are…

Purposeful Life Lessons from an Eagle’s Perspective Traversing by plane from the Gold Coast to Adelaide, the land below resembled a patchwork quilt of light browns and dark greens that spread in a beautiful pattern all the way to the far horizon. And as I looked at the earth below I was reminded of the…