I am limitless, my potential for change is limitless
I love the word ‘limitless’. It simply means ‘without limits’.
The greatest advantage of having a creative spirit is that life is only as limited as your imagination. But if you take time to imagine on a regular basis, your future and the possibilities therein are limitless. That is why it is so important to take time out each day to dream, to visualize, and to imagine the possibilities.

Don’t allow life’s circumstances, or your job, or your business, or your current circle of friends, or your financial status, or your family members to hem you in as it were. Don’t be as the sheep who are restricted to one paddock surrounded by fences. Be a fence jumper and leap towards the possibilities that life has for you.
For if you tap into the unlimited resource of your mind and spirit, that was created by an infinite God, you have immediately stepped into the realm of the limitless. The mind of man is elastic and can expand far beyond its present state, if you simply imagine.
We are only limited by the way we think. Open up the floodgates of your mind and allow for the overflow. Pull down the gates. Destroy the fences and dream BIG. Dare to hope. Dare to dream. Dare to believe. Dare to do the undo-able. Dare to turn the impossible into the possible.
Dare to reach the stars, and if you only land on the moon then you have done what only few others have done – but even in failing you will have done so much more than the billions who submitted to the lies that life was limited by your bank account, your heritage, your geography, or your culture.
Declare today – ‘I am limitless. There are no limits on my life – a life that is full of incredible possibility.’
- Life As A Balancing Act: The Best Way to Find Balance in Your Life – archely
- How To Turn Frustration Into Life Transformation – archely