3 Vital Steps To Improving Your Quality Of Life
‘In order to improve the quality of anything it’s going to take time, effort and money.’ Kenneth Copeland
I have never met a human being who hasn’t at some time in their life wanted to improve themselves. Sure, people do get themselves tied up and caught up in ruts. But deep down there seems to be an inbuilt mechanism that rises up within each and very human being, at some point in their life, that desires more quality out of life.

Now I know from personal experience that there are times when we all feel as though the mountain we are facing is too high and the valley too deep, and that there is seemingly no way out of a predicament that has hemmed us in on every side.
But somewhere in the depths of our being there is a spark or a gentle whisper that says, ‘Don’t lay down and die quite yet. You have what it takes to get you up and over.’ It is up to us to respond to that call.
Sure we can choose to lay down and die, but I trust that your desire for life, a quality life, will push all negativity and hopelessness aside, and that you will take a hold of what I am about to share with you, and live life to the full.
- If you want to give up on life, Revaluate Yourself Alongside These 3 Strong-Willed Men
- Growing Younger and staying young at heart
- Health and wealth, Is Health The New Wealth? – archely
On the other hand, those however who choose to yield to the darkness that encompasses their life, at that point of time, fail to understand that in order to improve the quality of their life, it is going to take three things: time, effort and money.
- Are you up to it?
- Will you respond to my challenge?
Those who want an instant fix, well may I suggest that you stop reading now.
Here are the three essential ingredients for improving the quality of your life.
What I am going to share with you is not for the faint hearted. This is for the serious. This is for those who are going to take their lives by the throat, and shake out of it all that they can get until they breathe their very last breath upon planet earth.
- Time
I must admit that I wanted to achieve all my life goals before the age of thirty. Little did I realise that life goals are life goals, and now that I am in my fifth decade there is still time to achieve some magnificent things in my lifetime, however long that will be.
Personally I have asked my Creator for 104 years of health, wealth and stealth. So with that in perspective I am only just about half way through.
Time is precious, and I must use every second to its greatest advantage. But I have also learnt this, that I can multiply the effectiveness of my time by being smarter in the use of it.
As a businessman I have learnt to delegate. I have businesses and processes that allow me to profit from the efforts of others. I use technology to allow me to reach a much wider audience than I could have ever imagined, and which also allows me to complete complex activities in a shorter time frame.
I approach every working day with a list of the six things that I need to complete each day. Every day starts with a fresh list.
I rise early. I go to bed early. I incorporate rest and recreation as a vital part of my life. I surround myself with mentors. I keep the company of people younger than myself.
I’m always learning, and constantly have the mindset of a student of success. This is how I use my time.
2. Effort
The more successful I become, the harder I work. I work while others sleep and I play while others work. I am not ruled by the clock. I am guided by the project and am inspired by the goal.
Money is not the driving force. It is the game. It is the obstacle overtaken. It is the insurmountable conquered.
- I sprinkle everything I do with a spirit of excellence.
- I under promise and over deliver.
- I conduct my research. I seek out wisdom and understanding.
- I study.
My mind is the place where the majority of my effort is expended. I think hard. As a direct result of that hard thinking I increase my productivity and expand my influence. (1)
I use the power of leverage in order to achieve more in less time.
I ask lots of questions. I actually spend more time seeking out the best question before I ever allow them to leave my lips. I do this because better questions give me better answers, and those excellent answers then lead me to a better life.
I journal. This is where I expend a lot of effort. This is the place where ideas are formulated, goals are set, businesses constructed, articles defined and clarity released.
3. Money
That’s what it takes to improve your quality of life.
- I invest in my education.
- I invest in my businesses.
- I invest in others.
The more I invest the more I receive in return.
It adds to the quality of my relationships, the quality of the love that is experienced in my life, the quality of the people who surround me, and the quality and the quantity of opportunities that cross my path.
- The more I give, the more I receive.
- This is a law. It is the law of sowing and reaping.
- The more money I give, the more money I make.
- The more time I invest in others, the more time I seem to have to invest in my own personal projects.
I often hear from people though who seem to be always complaining that they don’t have enough money.
They need to change their language.
I have learnt the secret to a constant supply of money.
Just keep thinking prosperity. Just keep talking prosperity, and just keep giving.
A portion of everything I earn I give to others.
I give of my time, which is representative of my net worth, because time is money.
Money hasn’t been given to me to store up like a dam. It has been given to me to be a conduit.
This is yet another step towards improving the quality of your life.
So take the time, make the effort, and invest the money – for this is how you will begin to improve the quality of your life.