how to become a more effective leader NOW!

Wouldn’t you agree with me that if we really want to get better and higher results then we have to do things differently then ever before? I once heard a speaker define insanity as: “Doing the same thing that you have always done – while expecting a different result.” In this article we will explore 3 ways you can immediately become more effective.

Leadership is a skill, and like all skills, it takes practice to become truly great

1) Make the decision to be more effective – the 1st step toward improving, changing or becoming more effective is simply deciding that you want, need and desire to become more effective. Many people are satisfied with the results they are already achieving – but successful people are always trying to improve, get better and grow! Personal effectiveness begins with a decision!

2) Manage your time, energy and resources – once you make this powerful decision then you should really begin to focus on managing those things which you can control – your time, energy and resources! Time is fleeting; once it is gone it is gone forever! Use it wisely, watch it, monitor it, audit it, and make the most of it. In the same way most people are limited in some way on their personal energy and available resources. As we learn to become better managers in these areas we will become more efficient.

3) Make the most of your relationships – the most effective and efficient people in the world know how to win with people! More valuable then anything are your relationships with your boss, clients and family. Business around the world is built or broken based on trust and relationships. As you invest your time, energy and resources in your relationships you will see your personal effectiveness soar.

In short, I challenge you to make a simple decision to become more effective, invest in learning how to manage your time, energy and resources more effectively and do your best to make the most of all of your relationships. As you and I do these three things our personal effectiveness and efficiency will continue to improve.
