Why is it that some organizations attract leaders and keep them for the long run, while other organizations attract leaders, and yet discard them in quick and regular succession?
For the power of any organization is found within the leaders that are developed and nurtured in an atmosphere of love, respect and the freedom to lead – where mistakes are encouraged just as much as successes – because within that environment is found a safe place within which leaders can grow.

So here are five reasons why there is such a difference between the keepers and the losers of leaders:
- Leaders Need To Know You Care
You require more than a great vision to keep leaders. You need to demonstrate to them that you actually care about them and about their personal vision. Remember that they are leaders, and these leaders, who feel that those whom they follow are actually interested in their personal goals and ambitions, will be far more loyal to the overall vision of the team.
- Leaders Need To Not Be Told
There are two things that leaders despise. They don’t like being told. And they don’t like being told off. They demand respect. And the best way to show respect to a leader is to engage them. Leaders love to be given the opportunity to input. Once given the opportunity, they may not add anything. But simply because you have opened up the chance for them to contribute an opinion, or dare I say, provide some aspects of wisdom, they know that they are respected as leaders. And as it has been given, so too will it be given in return.
- Leaders Don’t Respond Well To Imposed Management Strategies
If a leader feels that they are being managed, they will begin to flex their muscles. Leaders love to be invited, but despise being told. They don’t mind being held accountable, but will refuse being driven. In many cases it’s not what is said, but rather how it is said. And if a leader is told ‘no’ too many times, they will leave.
- Leaders Need A Voice
If your organization doesn’t provide a platform for leaders to present their viewpoint, then it will breed two things – frustration and disappointment. Just following a vision won’t sustain their enthusiasm, because they need to express. Secure leaders allow others to verbalize or even write their thoughts. In business, when I pick up the phone and talk to a client, that for some reason is not happy with our company, I do two things. Firstly I learn something. And secondly, in most cases I gain a friend. Why? Because I have created a platform for them to express. I have not run and hidden. I have confronted the problem head on by listening to their complaint, and am secure enough to cop it on the chin and move on. This strategy has created a foundation for a stronger business, and I rarely lose these clients. In fact they end up doing more business with me.
- Leaders Need To Know The Guts
Leaders don’t respond well to the occasional public announcement. They need at times to be supplied with some inside information so that they can take ownership in the overall direction of the organization. Remember, I’m talking about the identified leaders in your organization – not every single member of your team necessarily. In order for a leader to grow as a leader in your organization they need to be engaged – sometimes one-on-one, or sometimes as part of a small group where confidentiality is respected and adhered to, and true team bonding is created.
To lead leaders is the greatest challenge for any leader, and yet the richest field of human endeavor to be developed.
Stop the leader leak today from your organization by plugging the hole with these five leadership building principles, and that way you won’t be left standing asking, ‘Where have all the leaders gone?’
- Leadership Through The Power Of Posture – The Posture of Leadership – archely
- Leadership, The Loose Cannon & The Lone Ranger – archely
- How To Avoid The Leaders Who May Mislead – archely