Why Is It Necessary To Take A Chance?
I started playing golf when I was ten years old. As I have grown older my love for the game has continued to increase. One lesson I learned from golf was changing the way I approach certain situations mentally. I believe all golfers can relate to that moment you are standing over a shot and focusing on a specific outcome. You are trying to beat that friend, or your father (or your son), who has continued to beat you through the years. You have a small lead on the last hole, and at the last moment you say to yourself, “Whatever you do, don’t hit it into the pond next to the green”

Is it just me? Or does that shot tend to go into the pond next to the green more than 50% of the time? Why does this happen? Your positive and negative outlook on situations can be directly correlated to the outcomes you receive. I believe you should take a chance on yourself and chase after your goals and dreams. You would be surprised what small actions can lead to great results.
Your State Of Mind
- You might ask yourself why take a chance?
- Are you comfortable with where you are in life?
- Do you believe in your ability to accomplish anything you set your mind to?
- Do you speak positively about of your ability to achieve your goals and dreams?
- Are there people telling you not to take the chance?
Your state of mind before setting a plan in action is vital to achieving the response that you are aspiring to achieve. But fair warning, taking a chance on yourself will require action on your part. Do you remember taking physics in high school? Newton’s laws of motion states, in general terms that for every action there is a reaction of equal force. (Unfortunately I was asleep most of the time in this class and didn’t learn this until college!)
A Lesson From Newton’s Law Of Motion
We can learn a lesson from Newton’s law of motion. We have the ability to relate results we have accomplished in life with the steps we have taken to get there. If you believe in your dreams you must take risks and chances. Taking these risks will directly result in reactions. Without your push, just talking about your dreams will not provide the desired reaction.
Often people become comfortable with the life they are living. We become creatures of habit. Taking chances and fighting fears requires a conscience effort daily. As we avoid taking risks and chances, we start to lose our ability to recognize risks with the necessary actions needed to move ahead with our goals and dreams. .
The question you might be asking yourself is where do you begin? Here are a few ideas to start moving forward.
- Write a goal and dream on a piece of paper.
Take this goal or dream and read it out loud daily. You will start to mentally fixate on achieving this goal. When you start to believe that this goal will be accomplished and achieved over a set period of time your mind, will be in the right place and you will start taking the necessary actions to move forward.
- Find your master-mind group.
Finding a group of individuals who support you 100% of the time in every way is essential. This group of people will be there for you during the ups and downs in life. There will be peaks and valleys in the search for your dreams and goals. Having these individuals who think like you and believe in your dreams will be vital.
- Get inspired daily.
Reading about ways to achieve your goals will be helpful. One of the challenges we face in life is to continue our learning. We have a wealth of information around us. Continue to search for ways to use your strengths in your quest to achieve your goals and dreams.
Conquering your fear to take a chance on yourself can be a life changing decision. People are making the decisions to fight their fears daily.
Conquer the Edge has a built a community of fear fighters online for fear support and advice. We believe that you can achieve anything you set your mind too. Keep fighting your fears daily and join other fear- fighters on conquertheedge.com! Take a chance on yourself and learn from Sir. Isaac Newton!
- How To Always Be Happy – archely
- How Being Fired Got Me Fired Up, Bouncing Back After Getting Fired – archely
- Find purpose and meaning in life, How to live with a purpose – archely