The Good Of ‘Miss Understood’: It’s Impossible To Please Everyone

Ditch Your People-Pleasing: You Can’t Please Everyone

No matter what you do, you will not be able to please everybody.

If you speak to an audience of one hundred people, it is said that three of the hundred will not like you. But do we get concerned about the three, or rather press on with the ninety seven?

The Good Of ‘Miss Understood’: It’s Impossible To Please Everyone

The more influence that you have, be assured that a dartboard will become part of your everyday wear.

People who do nothing with their lives are rarely targeted. It is only those who truly make a difference who will find themselves in the firing line.

But it is at that very point that a true leader will rise up above any criticism and simply brush off the mosquito bites – no matter how hurtful they may be – pressing on with the fulfillment of the vision for their life.

It is so easy to set yourself up as a critic, but few can willingly take on the role of being members of the group called ‘the criticized’. For history tells us that a great person’s companion throughout life is a lady called ‘Miss Understood.’

But it is how you entertain her that will make all the difference of how you fair in the(in the words of the wisest man who ever lived) ‘dog eat dog’ world that we live in.

Here are a few ways that you can do that:

  1. Listen

Whenever there is a misunderstanding, listen. Because at times there is a possibility that there could be an element of truth communicated to you.

  1. Learn

As a fellow traveler in this world, we can always learn something about others, and about ourselves when a misunderstanding occurs.

  1. Improve

If you glean a truth from what ‘Miss Understood’ has shared with you, then apply it to your life immediately. You will be richer because of it.

  1. Don’t React

Now if the misunderstanding has arisen from a clashing of belief systems, then resist reacting. Be big enough to let it go. You can’t change others, if they choose not to do so. Simply love them – even those who have failed to comprehend your heart. Time passed has a habit of bringing forth truth in its truest of light.

So take care of ‘Miss Understood’, your fellow traveler, as you continue on your journey towards a life of outstanding influence and significance.
