How To Live In The Land Called Love
No greater love has a man than that he should lay down his life for another. This love then that we speak of is not the love depicted so often in the movies where all roads lead to the bedroom. It is a far deeper love that culminates in the sacrificial giving of oneself for another.

It is the love of the giver rather than always being the receiver. It is the love of the thinker whose thoughts are not turned inward but rather outward. It is the love of the outstretched hand and exhorter. It is the lift up that is delivered and it is the feet that walk the extra mile. It is the meal shared rather than the meal devoured. It is the smile given rather than the frown. It is the love that is patient. It is the love that is kind.
This Love…
This love has no leering eyes, nor gives despising looks. This love expresses gratitude for which it has and does not hunger after what others have. This love weeps at injustice and the miscarriage of justice. This love does not discard easily but rather cherishes the moment and stays for the long run.
This love cannot and will not falter. This love is a force that can withstand hurricane, flood, drought or cyclone. This love survives war, terror, massacre and mutilation, tyranny and anarchy. This love cannot be overcome and cannot be undone for it thinks of others. This love is a servant always seeking to serve, and because of that it rules supreme.
In giving, it receives. In living, it believes that no matter what should seek to pluck it from the earth – from it seeds will fall and more love will grow. For it is an external seed flame that cannot be extinguished.
The Indestructibility Of Love
Many have sought to destroy it. Many have made it their mission to bury it. And yet after the storm or after the desolation tiny sprouts of love have begun to reappear amongst the rubble of human carnage. It cannot be snuffed out – for the flame of love is everlasting.
Kings may reign and Kingdoms may fall, but love is enthroned in majesty forever throughout the ages. It is supreme in its presence and steadfast in its power in touching every man, woman and child upon the face of the earth.
Make love your mission and you will never be alone. For love given on a consistent basis will assure a return of love from unexpected quarters in abundance.
Fearless Love
Fear fails when you face it full on and act regardless of how you feel. Fear comes in many shapes and sizes but one of the fears that blocks the bright path ahead for many is the fear of man.
There is no fear in love; but perfect love casteth out fear because fear hath torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love.
True and perfect love is perfected in us as we love others as we love ourselves. So in order to route the power of fear that hovers over our life from time to time we need to make it our daily habit to exude love, from within, in the direction of others.
But how is true love demonstrated?
It is through our actions. It is the kind word, the thoughtful SMS, the unexpected phone call, the handwritten postcard, the letter, the email, the pat on the back, the undeserved gift. All these simple actions make all the difference when it comes to building stronger relationships and creating a bond that is built on love.
Love is strength. Love is a foundation. Love is the cement, the mortar and the magnificence. Love is the laughter, the shoulder, the hug, the warmth and the solid embrace. Love carries you through storms and flood and overflows into every area of your life. Love is the concern, the hand that helps and the foot that rushes to aid.
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