How setting deadlines in time management
Ever since December of last year I have been working towards today.
Yes today is the day that I launch my new online course SELF DEVELOPMENT MASTERMIND.
Some time ago I set a date for the launch to be on the 15th June. But when reviewing our progress, a couple of weeks ago, my associate and I decided to bite the bullet and reset the date a week earlier than originally planned.

That immediately put pressure on us, and for me personally there was one day that I became overwhelmed by the mammoth amount of work that still remained undone.
But with a bit of prayer and dose of persistence I pushed through. Success takes that.
So here are four values of having a deadline.
- A Deadline Sets Your Focus
Focus is essential if you’re ever going to achieve anything of significance in this life.
There is so much that distracts us and yet by applying the practice of focus, true power is unleashed – just like the power of sunlight through a correctly aligned magnifying glass.
With your focus on a deadline – a set date for completion – your work becomes extremely targeted, efficiency kicks in, time management takes care of itself because your energies are totally directed towards the completion of the task you have assigned for yourself to complete.
- A Deadline Draws Out Your Innovative Self
When you know the ‘why’, the ‘how’ will always take care of itself.
I have created businesses, books, musical compositions, and even vegetable gardens using this very method. The method is called innovation.
Another way you can look at it is – make it up as you go along – or ‘do it on the fly’.
You would be amazed at how innovative and creative you can become when pressure is applied to your life. That’s the environment that a deadline creates for you.
And remember that it is pressure applied to a chunk of coal that produces a diamond.
- A Deadline Causes You To Work Hard
In preparing for the release of my new eBook, I can’t remember working as hard as I have these past six months. But at the same time I have been working wholeheartedly in the area of my passion, and it is this that has made them some of the happiest working days to date in my life.

It’s not that I haven’t enjoyed what I have done in the past – but this project is truly aligned to my strengths and my personal passion. That’s what has made it so very special.
Don’t get me wrong. It’s been a roller coaster ride of emotions – learning from my blogging coach, building new databases, writing for other influential personal development blogs, interviewing successful people from all around the world, working with my creative and technical staff, while at the same time keeping my other business operations moving forward.
But to do work that you love is really not work at all.
- A Deadline Creates Miraculous Opportunities
Someone once said, ‘The harder I work, the luckier I get’[1]. I have seen that happen – especially during the past six months.
With a deadline, focus, innovation and hard work combined I have seen the miraculous unveiled.
It happens in many ways – ideas, relationship, opportunities, and growth.
And the greatest growth happens within the one who set the deadline.
That’s the miracle.
It’s actually not what you have created that is the most significant miracle – it is who you have become in the process.
So what deadlines are you going to, or have already set for yourself?
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