Why We Procrastinate? The 6 Reasons Why You Procrastinate

What Is Procrastination? 6 Common Causes of Procrastination

Procrastination is just a sophisticated word for waiting until the last minute to do something. If you think people who approach their tasks systematically are statistical anomalies, you might be a procrastinator.

Why We Procrastinate? The 6 Reasons Why You Procrastinate

So how can you start prioritizing and stop falling behind on your everyday duties?

In theory, the solution is simple. You have to stop putting off things and get started on important tasks before you move onto anything else. Prioritize. Just knowing the solution isn’t enough. It’s like knowing that you have to exercise to have a great body but refusing to rush out the door to run a few laps. You have to figure out why you put everything off.

  1. You avoid difficult tasks

Writing an essay or dealing with a heavy workload can’t compete with spending time with your friends. But when you start getting bogged down by small things such as cleaning your apartment or organizing and filing your old pictures, you’re avoiding what you really have to focus on. It’s a mental block that keeps you from completing your tasks.

Try to visualize your task as pleasant. Imagine sitting on a comfortable couch with your tea next to you and your laptop resting in your lap as your favorite music plays. It’s soothing and relaxing. Imagine yourself being happy while doing this. Never think of the task as something negative that you want to avoid, but rather as a positive choice, something you WANT to do.

  1. Low self-esteem

If you have low self-esteem or feel depressed, tasks can overwhelm you. Thinking that you won’t be able to complete a task becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. It kills your motivation before you even get started.

You’ve probably experienced times in your life when you’ve tried to achieve something and failed. Bad memories won’t help you, and maintaining bad habits are not going to help you improve. Make a list of difficult tasks you didn’t want to complete but managed to accomplish anyway. Work on yourself-development with a focus on success, instead of failures.

  1. Too much ambition

If you’re overly ambitious, you probably have a tendency towards perfectionism. You may make plans with the aim of improving your actions, but then do nothing at all. Don’t look for improvement before you even get started!

It’s much better to do something imperfect than not at all. Avoid judging yourself too harshly. Just get started, and when you finish you can perfect things with whatever time you have left over.

  1. Bad habits

Spending hours on Facebook or watching television won’t make you productive. It’s also very addictive. Everyone needs time to relax, and setting a time frame and an activity can ease your brain into transitioning between periods of activity and relaxation. Afterward, your brain will know that that was your time to relax, and that you can work now.

If you really have to watch those series or engage in any other time consuming activity, make it a point to have productive periods. Try washing your dishes or responding to three emails. Make sure you alternate this time with accomplishing one of your tasks.

  1. Fear of expanding your comfort zone

Procrastinators act as if they have all the time in the world to make the biggest decisions of their lives. Like they can do everything later. Every moment is an opportunity you’ll never have again. If you’re not going to improve yourself now, you may never have the opportunity to do so.

We usually imagine each task demanding a huge workload and a lot of decision-making. Turn off your computer, and take some time to ask yourself what you’re afraid of most. Being aware of your fear is the first step in achieving something.

  1. You don’t know where to start

Do you wonder how you can stop procrastinating? Stop wondering. Don’t think about your task too much. Put yourself in a CAN DO mood. Better to have 5% of your work done than none at all. Often, it can take more time to think about a problem than to find a solution.

It takes just a few minutes to respond to an email, but if you have 30 emails to respond to it can take hours. The same logic applies to doing dishes. It’s easier to clean 3 plates than a whole sink full of dishes. There’s no better time to get things done than NOW.

Overcoming bad habits starts with changing your approach toward your responsibilities. The feeling of having your tasks completed on time is priceless!


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