Life never happens in a straight line, Rather than life happening to you, you will happen to life
Zig-zag progression tends to be the way things come to pass. Well at least that’s my experience to date. Life is more like a yacht race, rather than a straight out sprint. Daily you have to respond to the winds of change that occur in order to reach your destination.

I recall a number of times in my own life where I literally hit a brick wall. There seemed to be no way over, no way under, no way around and that meant no way. And it was at that point that I could either crumple into a heap and give up, or I could reach deep down into the depths of my being and look myself eyeball to eyeball in the mirror and say this one thing. ‘Peter! You got yourself into this mess and it is you that is going to have to get you out of this mess. It’s no use you blaming others or your circumstances for where you now find yourself. So take responsibility and find a plan to remove this brick wall opposition now.’
And do you know what?
Each and every time I do this I am given the strategy that either gets me over, under or around that wall, and in some cases I have had to about face and walk away from that wall because I was actually heading in the wrong direction.
But the defining difference to my circumstances and the empowering principle that filled my gas tank up again was when I took responsibility for my life and made a definite decision as to how I was now going to respond to my present circumstances.
You and I are responsible for where we are. You and I are responsible for where we are to go.
And you and I must take responsibility for all our actions if we are ever to grow and go where we need to go, in order to fulfill our destiny and reach our potential.
For when you blame you empower those or what you blame. And that weakens you. You are suddenly the victim and not the victor.
Problems are for solving and responsibility leads to opportunity. Empathy demands responsibility and rather than being detached you can now suddenly become engaged. Rather than life happening to you, you will happen to life.
When I am responsible I am empowered, I am charged and I am positioned for great success. My challenge is that you join me in this responsibility.
- How Your Enthusiasm Makes All The Difference – archely
- How To Thrive When The Unexpected Happens, Survive Unexpected Situations – archely
- How To Have It All? Perception Is Everything – archely
- How To Flow With Life & Be Happy – Enjoy Life And Be Happier – archely