Integrity: Living a Life of Honesty and Character
As an employer of others, the qualifications nor the CV that has been presented to me by a prospective employee has rarely impressed me. I look deeper than that. I am not overly concerned with what they know, but rather with whom they are and the principles that they uphold in their daily lives.

In all honesty I would rather hire someone with less skills and more integrity than someone who is highly skilled and has no integrity.
The Webster’s Dictionary defines integrity as ‘unimpaired moral principles; honesty; soundness; the quality of being whole or undivided.’
To me it is all about being true to what you believe and doing what you say.
The Qualities Of A Man & Woman Of Integrity
A man or woman of integrity fulfills what he or she promises. They are the ones who thank others. They are the ones saying please. They are the ones who show respect to others. They treat others, as they themselves would desire to be treated.
For if you say one thing and yet do another you are divided. And as Abraham Lincoln once stated – a house divided against itself cannot stand.
It’s keeping your word even if it’s not convenient, or it may even be somewhat uncomfortable. It’s turning up on time for your appointments. It’s being reliable and trustworthy.
Integrity shows up in the little things. And if you take care of the little things you will never stumble when asked to do the BIG things.

It’s all about integrity. It’s saying sorry when you are wrong. It’s about not blaming others, but rather taking the wrap for what mistakes were made.
Integrity Is Not About Being Perfect
It’s not about being perfect, because none of us can be that, but it’s about being real. It’s about whatever you and I are like in the dark is what you and I are in the light.
There is no difference. There is no mask. There is no disguise. It’s the real deal. It’s the true you and the true me – loving and serving others. Lifting others. Inspiring others.
It’s about defining our values and then aligning our priorities to fit within the guidelines of those values.
This is integrity.
Let it be your guide and companion throughout your lifetime. For with a life lived with integrity comes safety and security for the long run. And that long run is called ‘our life here on planet earth and throughout eternity’.
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