Category: goal-setting

How To Grab Life By The Throat If you want to change your future, and yet continue to do what you have done in the past – right up to your present – you are sadly mistaken. In order to jolt yourself out of your complacency, and a future that will simply be a replay…

Develop an Action Plan When You Have No Goals It has been suggested that we should live our life free of goals. That’s right – no goals. But may I add that by even making a decision to live your life with no goals, you have in fact set a goal. Goal setting for many…

How to Fall in Love With Work Again Let’s face it: there are times when we just don’t want to do the work. It’s not that we’re not capable. It’s just that we’re either exhausted, frustrated, or have just plain fell out of love with the work that we do. Any of these can happen…

You grow through what you go through: embracing failure There is the famous quote, “What would you do if you could not fail?” We’ve heard the question so often that we never answer it. So, how would you answer it? According to the dictionary, failure means “not achieving the desired end”. Embracing Failure: The Journey…

How to Be the Best Version of You And Live Your Best Life ‘First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.’ Epictetus What is the point to live a life below your potential? What reason can you and I give ourselves if we never rise up to…