3 Ways To Overcome Your Overwhelm
There are times in all of our lives when we are swept away by an avalanche known as life’s experiences. It could be an unexpected death in the family, a job retrenchment, a failed buiness, divorce, legal litigation, or even an investment that went wrong.

And it’s at times like these that you may feel like you’re drowning under a deluge of happenings that you hadn’t planned on.
So how do you overcome the overwhelm?
- The first thing is to stop and make a list of all your assets. Apart from that which you’ve just lost, what other fine qualities are still a part of your life? Did you know that your smile is one of your greatest assets? Restore your faith and confidence by reacquainting yourself with yourself.
2. The next thing to do is to make a list of all the things you need to do to get back on track. You have faced a derailment, and by listing these things you can begin to assess what is required to move forward. A list always puts things in a better perspective.
3. Tackle these steps – one step at a time. It is far better to do one thing than to do nothing at all. It is far better to move one centimetre forward than to stand still. For example, if you’re facing a multitudinous number of bills that need to be paid – the first thing you may need to do – before you attempt to pay anything – is to talk to your creditors. By being open and honest with them you will find that they will work with you as you restage your recovery. Clear communication is the key. And when it comes to prioritizing your list – break them up into groups identified by their level of urgency. Not every task needs to be completed today.
By following these three simple steps you can turn your overwhelm into an overcome each and every time.
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