‘you’ – and your personal niche: How To Find Your Niche
Let’s face it. We can’t be good at everything. Each of us has been assigned talents and gifts that define who we are and for what mission we have been commissioned to fulfill here on planet earth.

Know your niche, and if you don’t yet know yet – make it your mission to find your niche. For a niche is a position in life, particularly well suited to the person who occupies it.
In the marketplace a niche market is the subset of the market on which a specific product is focusing on. The market niche defines the specific product features aimed at satisfying specific market needs, as well as the price range, production quality and the demographics that it’s intended to impact.
But in this article I want to concentrate on the product called ‘you’ – and your personal niche.
What are you passionate about? What wakes you up in the middle of the night? What stirs you? What excites you? What do you find yourself gravitating towards naturally in your conversation when you’re around friends?
Identify that and there is your niche. And it is only as you direct your energies towards the outworking of that niche into your daily life that you will discover the joy. For it is in this place that true power is unleashed in your being.
So cease pushing uphill in areas that are not part of your personal niche, and take a leap of faith into the waters of your niche. And watch the flotilla of your desires come to your aid and transport you to the destination of your dreams. For it is in your niche that you will be the most fulfilled and the most happiest.
Abundant life is not for the timid who continue to bury their niche. Rather, it is for the bold – who dare to be true to themselves, obedient to the niche that was planted into the very fabric of their being when they were first conceived.
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