How to Change Your Self-Perception and Untap Your Hidden Potential
‘Sometimes the best lessons that we could learn are on the road someplace else.’ Steve Brown
Every one of us has incredible potential. But as someone once mentioned to me – that potential plus four dollars will buy you a cup of coffee.

It’s what you do with your potential that really counts.
I’ve always known that I could write, and that’s why I persisted with the self-publishing of my first book after being rejected by just about every publishing house and literary agency in my country.
Self Publishing Success
The end result was that I identified a market that I could sell to, after reading dozens of the books that had already been sold to that market. I decided that I could write material just as good as those writers, and then proceeded to write my first ever self-published book and received my first $100,000 cheque.
I went on to publish a number of other best selling books and even published a number of other authors with sales in both Australia and the U.K.
Business Success On The ‘Road To Someplace Else’
But then I got distracted. Well, it was my personal ‘road to someplace else’ and even though in one sense it was a distraction I did learn some of my greatest lessons along the way that not only benefited me, but also members of my family.
I identified an opportunity in the web development industry and so spent the next seven years building a successful web design company.
It was a dream come true for me, because I had always had a secret desire of building a business with my children. So that is what I did. But throughout that period I always said that I saw this business as a launching pad, not a prison, for my children.
Well last year that launch for them began and my two eldest children have since developed their own online ventures.
I had even spent a lot of time and money in preparing to franchise my web design business – but amidst this activity I started to recognize something – both my children and I had other passions that were now calling us to pursue. It was time to get back on to the road that was best aligned to our passions.
Back On Track
Gary Vaynerchuk’s book Crush It!: Why NOW Is the Time to Cash In on Your Passion clarified a belief that I always had, and had even written about it myself, but now it was time for me to really start living it. So I made the decision to sell off our web clients and make a focused and concentrated pursuit of my passion.
I had already been a successful writer of motivational, inspirational and personal development books – but now it was time to kick my Motivational Memo Blog into full gear and reap the similar success, or even go far beyond my previous successes, with my online writings.
So even as I write this blog article I am preparing to surprise myself and outstrip my potential. It is early days yet and I have much to prove to myself – but I AM EXCITED.
Having one of my articles, in the past few days, featured in Dumb Little Man – a recognised leader in blogdom – before Christmas in itself is a great honour. The featured article is entitled 5 Sure-Fire Ways To Enjoy Every Day Of Your Life.
Time To Blog , Time To Coach & Time To Build
In addition to my blogging I’m also coaching my son as he takes his website Elvanto to a global audience helping churches to become super efficient through online rostering.
I’m also guiding the international expansion of my eldest daughter’s Wedding House brand that is currently serving the wedding industry in both Australia and New Zealand.
For something completely different I am also in the process of purchasing a hair salon for my youngest daughter – as she has just qualified as a professional hairdresser – and will be directly involved in guiding the marketing and growth of that business.
As you can see – I love helping my children succeed. It provides me with great satisfaction to cheer them on – so that they don’t have to necessarily have to make all of the mistakes I have made along my entrepreneurial way. They can stand on my shoulders and go far beyond – still making some of their own mistakes – because they can be at times our greatest teachers – but at least avoiding some of the obvious ones that I bumped into along the way.
But the bulk of my time is now going to be devoted to the expansion of my Motivational Memo Blog so that I can reach a far greater audience than I have ever reached.
E-books Plus More Coming
In addition I’m launching one of my best sellers Good Things Don’t Come To Those Who Wait – 102 Motivational Memos Packed With Practical Ideas On How To Bring About Positive Change In Your Life as an e-Book. In addition I am planning to develop a range of motivational, inspirational and personal development products that will help a lot of people outstrip their potential.
So Here Are 6 Ways To Start Outstripping Your Potential in new year
- Clearly identify your passion.
- Analyze your present activities and ask yourself the questions: ‘Am I truly pursuing my passion?’
- Search out for a way you can incorporate your passion into your daily activities.
- Identify ways to make a living out of your passion – even if it starts out as a supplement to what you are currently doing.
- Pursue your passion with all your might.
- Surprise yourself by outstripping your potential.
What are you going to be pursuing in the new year?
- 3 Keys To unlocking your full potential – archely
- How To Get Paid & Never Work Another Day In Your Life – archely
- 1000+ Motivational reels bundle pack to ignite your journey to greatness – archely
- How to Escape The Prison of Your Mind – archely