Category: successfulliving

what is self motivation and how to be your own motivation Motivation is the motivating force, stimulus, or influence. It is the beginning of all things. For without motivation there will never be the motion that is required to achieve the improbable and overcome the impossible. And without the motion there’ll never be the initial…

7 Practical Ways To Make new year stick Are you afraid to make a New Year’s resolution this year? Do you feel like creating resolutions is setting yourself up for failure? Personal humiliation and public embarrassment? A let down for friends, family and yourself? You might feel so badly about New Year promises to yourself…

about true friendship, 5 Traits Of A True Friend I received a phone call last night from a friend I hadn’t seen in many a year. And yet it was as if we’d spoken only yesterday. What I love about this friend is their honesty. That’s always been a fine quality in their life. They…

5-Step Plan To Be Wealthy By Design It is true that there are many random events in the financial marketplace. But your approach to building your wealth cannot be random. It must be carefully considered, meticulously planned, backed by solid commitments and regularly assessed.(1) When these steps are followed – and when you and your…

be a better leader have a richer life If you think something’s missing from your day to day, here are some tips to get your zest for living back. Every one of us has been planted on this planet for a purpose. Not to simply suck in air, but to contribute something significant, whether it’s…

5 key factors for success The doorway to success is no different. Here are simply 5 keys that I have discovered throughout the years that have led to my own personal success in every area of my life. This is not just about success in business. This goes far deeper than this. This is much…