Category: successfulliving

Believe that you can and you will, you are worthy of great success Some years ago, my family were the recipients of a special award that was specially created and handed to us by one of our close friends. One of the facets of the award was ‘for believing’. We had just pushed through two…

11 Powerful successful principles of life The truth is that without applying these success principles in our life we will continue to live an aimless existence. You and I have been born for a much higher purpose – and that is to live our lives on target. successful principles of life get busy living ON…

11 Must Read Life Lessons From Oprah Oprah Winfrey has certainly stamped her influence on this generation. The transparency of her life, her desire to extend a hand up to help, and her generosity, all played out in the media and delivered in a spirit of humility, are refreshing expressions in a world that is…

10 Mistakes Made In Thepursuit of life liberty and happiness I was having lunch with four other friends recently. The topic of discussion turned to the news story of the day: a prominent, successful man in his mid-40s had resigned from his position of influence. He didn’t say why he had resigned. My friends started…