Category: personal-development

7 Tips For improve efficiency, how to productivity improvement “Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves” – Dale Carnegie (1) Staying…

Being successful in life much depend on our brain working well Being successful in life can very much depend on our brain working well. We need to make sure that we are thinking clearly so that we can do well. This could be at work, running a business, or even doing things at home with…

5 Tasty Tips how to stay motivated Staying constantly motivated and driven takes some effort. Nobody has achieved greatness, or their own personal dreams, without encountering opposition on the way. Some research into the most remarkable of people will confirm this. Those who believe that achievement is reliant on financial or environmental circumstances have never…

5 Keys To A positive mind vibes life I personally believe in the power of the positive. Why? Because I have made it my life’s purpose to study mankind, and in fine-tuning my study I have also become a student of success. It is a fact: that which is positive ultimately outlives and outlasts that…

How to reinvent life, 4 ways to reinvent yourself In this world of hyper change, it’s easy to fall behind. Reinvention is no longer something we do every 3 or 5 years after a major life shift. Now it’s a daily activity affecting all areas of life—relationships, health, livelihoods, hobbies, finances, beliefs, values, spirituality and…