Category: goal-setting

10 Mistakes Made In Thepursuit of life liberty and happiness I was having lunch with four other friends recently. The topic of discussion turned to the news story of the day: a prominent, successful man in his mid-40s had resigned from his position of influence. He didn’t say why he had resigned. My friends started…

what is self motivation and how to be your own motivation Motivation is the motivating force, stimulus, or influence. It is the beginning of all things. For without motivation there will never be the motion that is required to achieve the improbable and overcome the impossible. And without the motion there’ll never be the initial…

7 Tips For improve efficiency, how to productivity improvement “Don’t be afraid to give your best to what seemingly are small jobs. Every time you conquer one it makes you that much stronger. If you do the little jobs well, the big ones will tend to take care of themselves” – Dale Carnegie (1) Staying…

7 Practical Ways To Make new year stick Are you afraid to make a New Year’s resolution this year? Do you feel like creating resolutions is setting yourself up for failure? Personal humiliation and public embarrassment? A let down for friends, family and yourself? You might feel so badly about New Year promises to yourself…

Being successful in life much depend on our brain working well Being successful in life can very much depend on our brain working well. We need to make sure that we are thinking clearly so that we can do well. This could be at work, running a business, or even doing things at home with…