Category: Be yourself

How To Building a Champion Spirit ‘Stir up your champion spirit through the power of association.’ There are times when I know that I need to be inspired. That’s when I sit myself down to either read a book, listen to music, watch a sporting event or view a good movie. The movie ‘Mr Holland’s…

How to Develop Good Habits ‘The best of all habits is the habit of continually striving for improvement.’ -Sir Rowland Hill In my early school years I was a poor student. I would rather be running around a field with my friends kicking a ball than paying attention in class. Even as I write about…

Bringing Together Two Worlds Apart The student came to the teacher, and before the student could speak, the teacher asked four words, ‘What do you want?’ The student replied, ‘What do you mean by asking me what do I want?’ The teacher responded, ‘What do YOU want?’ The student replied, ‘I never thought I could…

Integrity: Living a Life of Honesty and Character As an employer of others, the qualifications nor the CV that has been presented to me by a prospective employee has rarely impressed me. I look deeper than that. I am not overly concerned with what they know, but rather with whom they are and the principles…

The importance of being unashamedly YOU! ‘Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.’ Dr Seuss So many of us have lived our lives concerned about what ‘they’ say or think. But please allow me to join with Dr Seuss – the…

How to Be the Best Version of You And Live Your Best Life ‘First say to yourself what you would be, and then do what you have to do.’ Epictetus What is the point to live a life below your potential? What reason can you and I give ourselves if we never rise up to…