
10 Ways To Maintain Your Passion Throughout Life Life’s hard! I think we can all attest to that fact. But it’s not always the hard times that make it such a struggle. It’s often the inconsistency of the good times that bring on frustration (1). We call it ‘hills and valleys’ and it’s what many…

Part of staying motivated and reaching your goals is your ability to be flexible. You need to always be looking two steps ahead and be ready to make any necessary adjustments. This ability is what defines a successful person. Anyone can be at the right place at the right time but for lasting success you…

It’s clear that the most massive influx of visitors in the gym occur immediately after the New Year. And this number is significantly reduced in about a week or two after that. It is clear why this is happening. Haven’t you ever made New Year resolutions? Haven’t you tried to change your life starting from…

At each and every moment, we are creating our life. This is not always obvious to us, as many of us only think of life creation in terms of big decisions, like buying a new house, getting married, or finding a new job. However, the quality of our life, all that we have and how…

There is a stream that is swum by the mass of humanity. They do what they are told. The train of popular thought and philosophy guides them. They parrot what the media parades before them. Their emotions are directed by the ebb and flow of popular opinion. Their peers lead them. They don’t rock the…

3 Vital Steps To Improving Your Quality Of Life ‘In order to improve the quality of anything it’s going to take time, effort and money.’ Kenneth Copeland I have never met a human being who hasn’t at some time in their life wanted to improve themselves. Sure, people do get themselves tied up and caught…