
How To Turn Your Mess Into Your Message Pain is something that we would all like to avoid. My wife often says that if God had created men to bear children, there wouldn’t be any – children that is. She’s not wrong. I’m living proof of this fact. When our first child was being born,…

How to Stop Being Bitter: Steps to Stop Being a Bitter and Resentful Person Throughout the years I have observed how the root of bitterness –allowed to take root in a life – has destroyed the one who in the first place allowed that root of bitterness to take root. The end result has been…

How To Restructure Your Frustrations Into Something Positive I often receive comments from my readers with deep and meaningful questions and I endeavor to respond in a way that can assist them on their life’s journey, Here’s one question I received recently along with my response. Sir, I would also love to ask you that…

Harness the Power of Belief You’ve Never Thought of I was recently asked as to what was the most important thing required to succeed in business. Good question. Is it money? Is it talent? Is it connections? Is it ability? Is it ideas? Is it to be the recipient of an inheritance? I pondered on…

How To Grab Life By The Throat If you want to change your future, and yet continue to do what you have done in the past – right up to your present – you are sadly mistaken. In order to jolt yourself out of your complacency, and a future that will simply be a replay…