
Ways to Improve Your Decision Making This week, in Slate’s popular Dear Prudence advice column, a young man wrote in asking for advice on his future. He wants to go back to school to earn his bachelor’s degree, and has his wife’s support, but is worried about the risks involved in changing his life. As…

Life never happens in a straight line, Rather than life happening to you, you will happen to life Zig-zag progression tends to be the way things come to pass. Well at least that’s my experience to date. Life is more like a yacht race, rather than a straight out sprint. Daily you have to respond…

ARE YOU TRULY HUNGRY FOR SUCCESS? The Power of Being Hungry for Success There is a benefit that arises from being hungry. It inspires the search. It initiates the hunt. It releases the motivator. It unveils the inspirator. It invites creativity, and it provokes innovation. None of us like hunger pangs, but the very fact…