Constant lives live excellent life

Drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip, drip…

The incessant dripping of water on the stone below ultimately carves a hole in the hardened object, just as a sculptor would carve a beautiful statue from an inanimate piece of rock.

It is the day by day, hour by hour and minute by minute process of doing the same thing over and over and over that ultimately gets the desired results.

Constant lives live excellent life

In doing so, there is the refining, there is the adjusting, and there is the pursuit of excellence. Then there is the mistake.

We learn from these. They are our teachers and our tutors.We take from them the lessons that will lead us towards the next win. They are to be analysed and they are to berespected.

Do not despise them. Listen, watch and then apply your fresh strategy with new wisdom.

Failure is not to be feared. It is to be revered. Respect failure for who it is, but do not stay there. Draw from it what you will and then never repeat it if you can.

Say, ” I will learn from you , but I will not lay down in defeat. I will press on in the spirit of constancy. I will practice and I will grow stronger with each and every day.”

This is the mark of a winner and the trait of a champion.

I took my son out the other day to a golf driving range. We purchased a bucket of 120 balls and then let loose with the golf clubs. We had both had quite a challenge of a week and so we thought that the best way to deal with that was to go and take out our frustrations on some young and innocent golf balls.

I can tell you now, that when I hit those balls correctly it felt great. But because it had been quite some time since I’d hit a golf ball, not every ball received the same treatment. Some veered to the left, some rocketed to the right, some were lost in the neighbouring swamp, while others soared straight up into the air.

Now to put this in the right perspective, I’m pleased to report that the majority of the balls connected by my club sped forward and far, but as I considered a nearby golfer I noticed that just about every ball he hit landed in just about the same spot.

It was obvious to me that here was an example of someone who had practiced the art of constancy. The outcome of his diligence was that he was an excellent golfer.


And that is what it will take if you desire to see excellence as part of your experience; both at work and at home. It is what you do on a daily basis that impacts what occurs each week, each month and each year that you live. Behind every great performance you will find that there has been some fantastic practice.

I recall a story where a woman came up to a world-renowned violinist, who had just finished playing an incredible rendition on his instrument. She said, ‘I would give my life to be able to play like you.’ The violinist turned to her and replied, ‘I did.’

In learning to play the piano, I remember that as a child, one of the things I hated the most was practice. But as the years passed, and as my skills increased, I came to love practice more than anything else. I would spend hours playing scales and exercises. It got to a point where I enjoyed playing them even more than playing my pieces.

Why you may ask? Because I could feel myself becoming stronger and more proficient in my playing. I could feel the confidence growing as I took command of the instrument and as it became my companion in the production of beautiful sounds. Excellence was being achieved and it filled my senses with incredible satisfaction.


How does a golfer become a great golfer? By learning to hit the ball correctly and by hitting ball after ball after ball under the guidance of a coach. Also by sticking with it even when things aren’t going according to plan; learning during these periods and always pushing through.

Constancy is directly linked with persistency, perseverance, and patience. These elements are essential if one is going to pursue a life of excellence.

I know that there are days when I sit in front of my computer and I’m certain that there is not one single word left in my head that can be deposited onto a page.

But I have also learnt, that through the discipline of sitting and writing six days a week, that my writing will always improve and that my skills as a communicator and motivator will increase if I constantly work at it.

I ensure that I read much, study much and practice much.

In your work and life you need to do the same. Be constant in practice, diligent in administration, evaluate your progress, listen, stretch, grow and pursue excellence in all you do and most of all be constant; whether you feel like it or not.

Motivational Memo: Constant lives live excellent life.

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