Month: March 2024

5 Practical Ways Intelligent People Heal Life’s Wounds ‘Like wounded oyster, he mends his shell with pearl.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson To pass through a lifetime, while living on planet earth, unscathed would take a miracle Now don’t get me wrong. I believe in miracles, but at the same time I’m a realist. Just like you,…

The Five Key Facets of High Performance Leadership ‘Try not to become a man of success, but rather to become a man of value.’ Albert Einstein There is such an immense push, especially in the world of personal development, to pursue success, and yet there is something so much deeper that needs to be imbedded…

The Power of Unlearning: How to Let Go of Beliefs to Embrace Success ‘Nothing was ever so unfamiliar and startling to me as my own thoughts.’ Henry David Thoreau My experience with life to this point has taught me a number of things. One of which is that to become an ‘exceptional liver’ it often…

4 Core Qualities of Truly Genuine People We live in a day and age where we are surrounded by an air of superficiality. Now superficiality and its presentation will last for a while, but in time the winds of change will blow them away – and all will be revealed. So let’s run from such…