Month: March 2024

The Art Of Worldy Wisdom I was recently introduced to a relatively obscure work entitled The Art Of Worldly Wisdom and as I read it I knew that I had stumbled upon gold. Written hundreds of years ago it still to this day has a relevance that readily enables the reader to apply this wisdom…

The 100 Top Qualities of a Winner There are probably more than 100 traits that are exemplified by the life of the winner – but 100 is a good starting point. I challenge you to measure your life against this list to do just that – not to condemn you in any way, but rather…

The 10 commandments of effective communication What you say and what I hear are sometimes poles apart. This happens even amongst the closest of friends. That’s why, when it comes to having a working relationship with another human being, it is so important to put in writing your agreement so that both parties understand clearly…