The 100 Top Qualities of a Winner
There are probably more than 100 traits that are exemplified by the life of the winner – but 100 is a good starting point.
I challenge you to measure your life against this list to do just that – not to condemn you in any way, but rather to challenge you.

Life is all about growing, and while ever there is still breath left in our body we still have an opportunity to grow. This is not just about growing old, but rather about growing better.
Ever the student, we always have something to learn, so allow life to teach you along your way, so that you can be the winner you were created to be.
- I am not afraid of making mistakes
- I am willing to take a chance
- I am always looking for ways to do something better
- I forget the failures of the past and look at each new day through fresh eyes
- I invest in my own personal development
- I am never afraid to discard a non-producing idea in order to start afresh
- I smile even when I don’t feel like smiling
- I laugh in the face of disaster
- I speak positive words
- If I have nothing good to say, I keep my mouth shut
- I have the winning habit of reading every day
- I listen to instructional recordings on a regular basis
- I finish what I start
- I delegate
- I exercise my body as well as my mind
- I have the mind of a student
- I recognize and applaud other winners
- I look for solutions, not problems
- I never criticize
- I know how to forgive
- I write lots of notes
- I give lots of hugs
- I make ‘I love you’ a big part of my vocabulary
- I am not afraid of saying, I was wrong
- I return telephone calls
- I’m a good listener
- I am a giver
- I am a believer in myself as well as others
- I give a strong handshake
- I save and invest for the future
- I step out where others fear to tread
- I look other people in the eye during conversations
- I walk tall and have good posture
- I work hard and smart and play hard and smart
- I encourage others to be the best they can be
- I look for good in others
- I create opportunity
- I speak the future into reality
- I am confident
- I am secure in my personality
- I reach beyond my comfort zone
- I reward myself for even little achievements
- I am a goal setter
- I write my goals
- I refer to my goals regularly
- I am always writing down new goals
- I exhort others to pursue their goals
- I don’t seek out other people’s applause
- I am an initiator
- I see a rainbow for every storm
- I would rather win a friend than win an argument
- I am not status conscious
- I am all things to all people
- I walk the talk
- I keep my word
- I am punctual
- I am reliable
- I am trustworthy
- I am happy to help
- I am polite and courteous
- I take care with the way I dress
- I keep my shoes clean
- I keep my hair neatly trimmed
- I am orderly
- I use a diary
- I answer the telephone in a professional manner
- I think of others first
- I say ‘thank you’ and ‘please’ on a consistent basis
- I build others up and don’t pull them down
- I meet with other winners on a regular basis
- I never quit but may from time to time adjust my swing
- I am persistent
- I am compassionate
- I have a passion for life
- I share what I have with others
- I take time out to talk to a child
- I like people
- I treat my own body with respect
- I show respect to others
- I never say, ‘never’
- I swim upstream
- I am a non-conformist
- I get things done
- I have conviction
- I try
- I seize opportunity
- I embrace change and make it my friend
- I am always taking action
- I run towards a challenge
- I know that through stretching beyond my ability I will grow
- I do what it takes to get a job done
- I either follow a system or invent my own
- I lead by example
- I know that when the dream is big then that’s all that counts
- I know that one of life’s greatest teachers is experience
- I have a mentor
- I have strong values
- I am well informed
- I am on a mission to make this world a better place for all of us to live in
- I know that I am a winner because I always compete against my last performance.
- Traits of a Champion and How to Unleash One in Yourself – archely
- Rules for efficient living – archely
- How to develop the gratitude attitude – archely