You are born to WIN: Seven Ways To Live The ‘Seven-Star’ Life

How To Make The Seven Rules Of Life Work For You

I recently came across a new ‘seven-star’ hotel that is being built in Dubai. Now being a lover of the Sheraton Hotel chain for many years, it was a surprise a few years ago when the Versace Hotel was built directly across the road from the Sheraton here on the Gold Coast, and especially when it was heralded as the first ‘six-star’ hotel to be built in Australia.

You are born to WIN: Seven Ways To Live The ‘Seven-Star’ Life

So when it comes to living, don’t settle for ‘three-star’, ‘four-star’, ‘five-star’ or even ‘six-star’. Let’s aim for ‘seven-star’ living! So how do you achieve this?

Well here are seven tips to consider and apply immediately to your life.

Star 1 – Develop A Great Attitude

Every day you live, you and I have a choice to make. What attitude are you going to carry with you? Always choose a great attitude.

Star 2 – Develop a Vision For Your Life

Your vision will come from within and can be drawn from your natural gifts and desires. And if that’s not enough – tune into another leader’s vision and throw your weight behind it.

Star 3 – Write Your Goals

Written goals add power to your life. Having written goals now for over twenty years, I have seen too many things that I’ve written down come to pass to think otherwise.

Star 4 – Believe That Success Is Yours

If you don’t believe it, then who will? Think Success! Reject failure thoughts. Remind yourself consistently that you are a success and expect great things to happen in your life.

Star 5 – Destroy Fear Through Action

By simply choosing to act, even while the butterflies are still getting into formation in your stomach, fear will run from you.

Star 6 – Think Creative Thoughts

Immerse yourself constantly in an environment of creativity. One way to do this is to keep a journal and to take at least thirty minutes a day to record your thoughts. It is often in solitude that your greatest ideas will be birthed.

Star 7 – Help Others

You actually learn more when you teach others. The more you give away the more you will receive. Find someone who needs mentoring and start teaching. And as you’re mentoring seek your own mentor to teach you. It’s as simple as offering to meet over a cup of coffee – and make sure that you pay for them.

So don’t settle even for ‘five star’ or ‘six star’ living. Go to the top immediately and choose to live a quality ‘seven-star’ life.


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