Month: February 2024

Mahatma Gandhi’s Simplicity & Faith I recently watched the film about the life of Mahatma Gandhi portrayed by Ben Kingsley in the 1982 film Gandhi, which won the Academy Award for Best Picture. Inspired by that film’s depiction of this great man I wanted to share two aspects of his life that impressed me –…

Loving Yourself: Practice Self-Love Every Day Imagine a world in which you are just lovely to yourself. Imagine if the inner critic transformed into a supportive friend. Imagine if you were to be as kind to yourself as you are to other people. Imagine if you congratulated yourself on what you have achieved, rather than…

Longfellow’s A Psalm Of Life I love to delve into the world of poetry – especially when it is a cold and bleak afternoon where I can cuddle up with a good book. This particular book, that I secured from a second hand bookstore, dated 1909 records the poems written by the American writer Henry…

Living Your Best Life, How To Live Your Life To The Fullest There is one particular aspect of the American way of life that I really enjoy, and that is the fact that it is expected, by those who serve you, that you not only pay them for their service, but that you always add…