The importance of being unashamedly YOU!
‘Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter, and those who matter don’t mind.’ Dr Seuss
So many of us have lived our lives concerned about what ‘they’ say or think.
But please allow me to join with Dr Seuss – the creator of such classics as ‘The Cat In The Hat’ amongst many other unique offerings for children and whose humor was often only understood by adults.

It really doesn’t matter what ‘they’ think or say. And in most cases ‘they’ aren’t thinking or saying anything about you.
Dr Seuss also reminds us that, ‘Today you are You, that is truer than true. There is no one alive who is Youer than You.’
Yes magnificent you.
So be unashamedly you – and this is how you can confidently live each day as you.
- Be You
True. Be you.
I have three children. Same parents. All different, and I have encouraged each of them to be themselves, pursue their own dreams, develop their own skills, think their own thoughts, find their own way – with my wife and I simply guiding them until they have finally sprouted their own wings now strong enough to support them as they soar
So don’t try to be me, or try to imitate others.
Be you.

- Do What You Do
Don’t do what I do. Do what comes naturally to you. You have individual talents that only you can do. So do.
Develop what you do by doing until you’re doing something that exudes excellence and represents you. If you don’t do – it will always remain undone. For you were created to do what only you can do.
So do.
- See What You See
There is a vision awaiting to be discovered by you for your own life.
So start seeing the possibilities of your life through positive eyes that will see you through all opposition to the fulfillment of your dreams. Yes see it and then see it through to completion through the power of persistence that lies within your being.
- Be What You Be
Be and become the person you were created to be.
You were formed for greatness – not to simply occupy space on planet earth, but rather to be all that you were created to be – full of potential, full of unique talent, full of possibility, full of gifts waiting to be unwrapped, full of expectation and hope, full of dreams and visions waiting to be unveiled and fulfilled, full to overflowing as you determine to be what you were designed to be.
So be unashamedly you. Whatever you do, don’t hide behind the veil of another human, for you are not a duplicate – you are a unique.
So be.