Month: February 2023

30 Essential Steps On The Road To True Freedom True freedom is something that many in our world yearn for. But how does one define freedom? For every one of us we could probably come up with a whole range of things that would imply freedom. Freedom of thought. Financial freedom. Freedom of choice. Freedom…

27 Motivation Hacks lead you to the path of your dreams Ever felt the regret for not knowing something earlier? I wasted many days of my life not knowing motivation is an incredibly strong force that can be used for lots of advantages. Motivation can get you work done, get you stronger, get you smarter,…

21 Meanings Of Self Improvement Recently I’ve taken a journey into the world of altruism. I wanted to meet good people. I was interested in hearing about their acts of benevolence, but I also wanted to understand who they truly are and explore their inner world. In my view these people are our best teachers.…

15 Books That Destroyed My ‘Mediocre’ Life Someone once said to me that the position we will find ourselves in our life in the next five years will be in direct relation to the people we associate with and the books we read. Well I can’t introduce you personally to the wonderful people who have…

11 Powerful successful principles of life The truth is that without applying these success principles in our life we will continue to live an aimless existence. You and I have been born for a much higher purpose – and that is to live our lives on target. successful principles of life get busy living ON…

11 Must Read Life Lessons From Oprah Oprah Winfrey has certainly stamped her influence on this generation. The transparency of her life, her desire to extend a hand up to help, and her generosity, all played out in the media and delivered in a spirit of humility, are refreshing expressions in a world that is…