Category: successfulliving

Things To Remember When Life’s Really Kicking You In The Ass I hear so many people whingeing about the economy – that they are unable to get a job, that there is no opportunity or that they don’t seem to be able to earn enough money. The overriding word evident in their vocabulary is ‘CAN’T’!…

How To Avoid The Leaders Who May Mislead Follow the leader? Sorry can’t always. I must follow my heart. I must trust my conscience. First we must reach into the very depths of our being and ask ourselves the question. For what reason have I been born? For what purpose greater than myself have I…

How To Set Yourself Up To Win Do you like losing? No, I don’t either. There’s nothing pleasing about a loss. That’s why I prefer winning. But in order to win you need to position yourself for a win. So how do you always set yourself up for a win? Allow me to share just…

How To Be Happy Always ‘I look on that man as happy, who, when there is question of success, looks into his work for a reply, not into the market, not into opinion, not into patronage.’ Ralph Waldo Emerson Mankind seems to be always on the seemingly unending search for the illusive entity we call…