Category: Be yourself

How To Be Strong Without Being The “Bad Guy” Being strong without coming off as a rude or hurtful can be a difficult tightrope to walk for anyone in a position of authority. It can be equally tough when one is not in a position of authority, but must establish a strong stance to make…

Practicing to be Nobody-But-Yourself ‘To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human can fight; and never stop fighting.’ e.e.cummings I resolved many years ago that I would be the me that I had been…

Importance of Defining Success in Your Life We live in a media-driven world where many stereotypes of success are relentlessly thrust at us. At times these stories and these images can confuse us, and we can find ourselves at times pursuing a pattern of success that is not correctly aligned to what we have been…

Things To Remember When Life’s Really Kicking You In The Ass I hear so many people whingeing about the economy – that they are unable to get a job, that there is no opportunity or that they don’t seem to be able to earn enough money. The overriding word evident in their vocabulary is ‘CAN’T’!…