
How to Have a Great Future I was recently reviewing a random selection of my journals – I currently have forty of these on my home office bookshelf that cover a period of thirty years. In these precious volumes I have recorded the intimate reflections of my thoughts, my dreams, my concerns, my plans, my…

Nothing ever happens until you and I take action. Positive action. I have a vegetable garden. My schedule will often determine how much time I can devote to the cultivation of my productive plot. However, currently it is bursting forth with new life and fresh and healthy vegetation, but the fact is that if I…

People with great passion can make the impossible happen Industry consultants spend a lot of time trying to understand people’s performance. This includes, but is not limited to, an analysis of prospecting, sales skills, customer relationship management and differentiated business development initiatives. The consultant’s performance indicators focus upon a host of quantifiable measures including the…