Making Progress Through Fearless & Strategic Action

Fearless Forward: Strategies for Overcoming Doubt and Taking Action

If you want to change the way you live, there are vital ingredients that must become a part of your life if desired change will take place.

Making Progress Through Fearless & Strategic Action

You must back up your resolve with a plan of action.

You must also acquire the correct knowledge and then put yourself within an environment whereby you can access ongoing wise counsel.

And then you must do more than just plan your action. You must act.

There is a multi-millionaire who had a dream.

It may surprise you that his first dream was not to own a condominium or a hotel resort beside the ocean.

His very first dream was to have at his disposal a team of wise lawyers, accountants, financial advisors and mentors.

He knew that they in turn would be able to provide him with the necessary information and guidance that would supply him with the necessary knowledge to acquire those very things. I heard recently that this man now has over 200 employees just taking care of his financial affairs.

In addition to pursuing great deals, he spent much of his time seeking out the right people to guide him in those purchases. In doing so he set himself up to procure wealth that secured both his and his family’s future beyond his wildest dreams. That also included the condominiums and hotels.

He made progress through fearless and strategic action, and you too can do the same by following these four steps.

  1. Invest In Your Ongoing Education

One of the greatest investments you can make is in yourself.

Before you shout ‘I can’t afford it’ allow me to share with you how I watched a teenager I know spend $2000, of their hard-earned money which they had been earning at $6 an hour in a part-time job, on a course that would expand their financial education.

There were many other things that they could have spent their money on, but they realised that if they invested this money now, they would in turn learn how to make so much more money in a far shorter period of time.

It always amazes me how many adults wince at paying $3000 -$5000 for a three-day seminar and yet are willing to struggle for twenty years of their life and never change the way they think or act.

  1. Gain Access To Wise Counsel

Henry Ford was once accused of being ignorant. But the fact was that even though he didn’t know the answers to trivia-type questions, he knew people who could get him the information, because he surrounded himself with experts in their own specific fields of endeavor.

To be successful, you don’t have to be good at everything. You simply need to surround yourself with people who know more than you, and as you associate with them it won’t be long before that knowledge will overflow into your own life.

  1. Acquire Knowledge

Develop a hunger for the acquisition of knowledge. The more you learn the hungrier you will get.

Listen to recordings, attend seminars, read book after book after book. Ask questions. Join forums. Watch videos. Participate in webinars.

Seek out opportunities to learn from every circumstance and continue at all times to have the attitude of a student.

  1. Act Decisively

If you’re waiting for your ship to come in it won’t be long before you’ll find yourself shipwrecked.

Don’t wait.


Strategic. Fearless. Action.

Creates progress.


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