Month: September 2023

Top Traits of Successful People Successful people are defined by what they say, what they do, and by who they are. Become Successful and Achieve Your Life Goals So here are three outstanding qualities demonstrated by the lives of those I perceive as being successful people. It doesn’t take long to determine whether someone’s successful…

How To Be Strong Without Being The “Bad Guy” Being strong without coming off as a rude or hurtful can be a difficult tightrope to walk for anyone in a position of authority. It can be equally tough when one is not in a position of authority, but must establish a strong stance to make…

Practicing to be Nobody-But-Yourself ‘To be nobody-but-yourself in a world which is doing its best, night and day, to make you everybody else – means to fight the hardest battle which any human can fight; and never stop fighting.’ e.e.cummings I resolved many years ago that I would be the me that I had been…

Importance of Defining Success in Your Life We live in a media-driven world where many stereotypes of success are relentlessly thrust at us. At times these stories and these images can confuse us, and we can find ourselves at times pursuing a pattern of success that is not correctly aligned to what we have been…

Things To Remember When Life’s Really Kicking You In The Ass I hear so many people whingeing about the economy – that they are unable to get a job, that there is no opportunity or that they don’t seem to be able to earn enough money. The overriding word evident in their vocabulary is ‘CAN’T’!…