Category: successfulliving

Can You Really Have It All? We live in a world filled with unlimited opportunities, radiant sunshine, breathtaking scenery, and boundless experiences. We also live in a world with crushing poverty, warring nations, corrupt politicians, and rampant drug abuse. There isn’t a day that goes by that somebody somewhere doesn’t fulfill their wildest dreams, nor…

How to “Never work another day in your life!” For seven years I owned and operated a successful web design company. Having no knowledge of how to create a website, but a vision for a profitable business, I stepped out on my first day of business walking from factory to factory, in a local industrial…

How to Get and Stay Motivated You’ve been struggling with this project for a while now and have suffered some challenges and setbacks but this latest difficulty is almost not worth overcoming. You’re at the end of your rope and all you’d really like to do is cope with a cheesy pizza, a drink, and…

Things That Make Getting Out of Bed Easier This post was inspired by David Wright who shared with me that the motivational quote that changed his life was the one that his dad told him, and I’m sure he heard it more than once, and that was ‘Get out of bed!‘ There have been days…