Category: successfulliving

How to Stop Being Bitter: Steps to Stop Being a Bitter and Resentful Person Throughout the years I have observed how the root of bitterness –allowed to take root in a life – has destroyed the one who in the first place allowed that root of bitterness to take root. The end result has been…

How to Have a Balanced Life Imagine yourself twenty meters (sixty-six feet) above the ground on a platform, as thousands of faces watch and wait for you to perform. Now imagine taking a step, with only a half-inch metal wire between you and the ground. Welcome to the world of high wire and the life…

The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation ‘The secret of success is making your vocation your vacation.’ Mark Twain There have been short periods in my life where I have found myself employed in a job that I didn’t suit and didn’t like. I didn’t stay there for too long, but learnt…

Making Wise Choices: The Key to a Meaningful Life Every single day of our lives we make decisions. And it is those decisions that define us. With the passing of the years one begins to review some of the decisions made in the past. But this is not a place for regret to take a…

How to Live Bright In Spite of, Well, Everything When I was young, I admired many things that one would think out of reach for a poor child. I made wishes. I had dreams, and of course it was weird at that time. Or so I thought. Born of a local church priest who was…