Category: Be yourself

Breaking The Cycle Of Self-Pity: To Taking Control Of Your Life As a boy I struggled with all three of these giants. They particularly played a dominant role in my life when I was nine years old and my parents decided to invite a twelve-year-old boy to live with us. Being super-athletic, on the very…

Embrace your uniqueness and stand out from the crowd Throughout our lives there are defining moments that occur. Dependent upon the decisions we make at that point of time, our future path will be defined. Every one of us is handed – on a daily basis – choices. We can choose to follow the crowd…

How to Make Great Decisions, Quickly Recently, I’ve faced the most difficult decision of my entire life: should I leave my husband or stay? Was this marriage over or would I give it a second chance? It’s been a gut-wrenching process and a time of shame, guilt and doubt. Our love story started as a…

How To Live & Die In Your Mind ‘Your mind is either the place of liberation or execution.’ The mind is where battles are either lost or won. Talent is not necessarily the key to winning. Belief has a greater part to play in any victory celebrations. So how can you tame the mind to…

How To Find Your Way When You’re Lost ‘If we don’t get lost, we’ll never find a new route.’ Joan Littlewood Life is a discovery. Life is a journey. Life takes you places that you and I never planned on visiting. That’s what makes it so exciting. Getting lost can at times lead you and…

Empower Your Mind: The Life-Changing Benefits of Reading I am in love with my mind. Why you may ask? Because no matter how much I put into it, it never explodes. It is a reservoir that is always thirsty for fresh revelation and new insight. It is hungrier than a lion and more voracious than…