Category: Be yourself

The Renewed Mind and How to Have It Be not a pauper in the kingly realm of your mind, for your mind has been born into royalty. It is the place for kings and queens who are positioned to reign supreme. For your mind is decked in gold – emblazoned castles clothed in majesty, might…

The Fearless Living Myth Debunked I know you’ve heard the lion’s roar call-to-action that goes something like this: ”Live fearlessly, set your flame burning, and to step into your greatness.” You can see the wisdom in it. It seems like the right thing to do. If only you could do it. Maybe living fearlessly is…

8 Inspirational Quotes About Life That Will Actually Inspire You To Keep You Motivated In Life Inspirational quotes are the oxygen that has breathed fresh invigoration into my life throughout the years. When facing personal challenges, a quote has often popped into my head and inspired me to press on. When I’ve needed to encourage…